transformation strategist
"A strong vision of the future,
is the 'why' of change"

I started my digital career in 1994. Quite by accident, I discovered the internet and, together with my brother and two friends, created the first digital agency in Belgium. Now, 30 years later, I can look back on a rich history of mainly digital activities, having been involved in over 25 startups. Some of them still fill me with pride. Others were endeavors to forget quickly. Yet all these entrepreneurial moves have shaped who I am today: privileged to have been in this business for three decades, meeting so many interesting people, and working on truly transformative projects for numerous organizations in Belgium and abroad.
I consider myself to be a transformation strategist. The good thing is that this profession doesn't really exist, so I don't have to live up to specific standards or conventions.
I'm passionated about change and how technological and societal disruptions are impacting everything around us. For the last 15 years, my company Scopernia has been helping all kinds of organisations, from Denmark to Dubai with the big question: how is digital societal and technological disruptions changing our very essence? For companies this basically means understanding how business models will change.

In the last decade I've (co-)written six books on different transformational topics, from dealing with social media, the future of the media industry, digital transformation and societal transformation with De Wereld Is Rond (The World Is Round), and my most recent book, De Toekomstformule.

Together with the Scopernia Team, I've been advising dozens of international companies in different industries: finance, media, retail, industrial, food, ... We have developed a methodology that helps you plan for transformation of your industry and society. If you want to know more about how we can help you change for the future ...